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Book Launch – The Echoes of Us by Emma Steele

Last week we were delighted to attend the launch party for The Echoes of Us, the debut novel by Greenstone author Emma Steele.

Held at The Beehive Inn in Edinburgh, Emma’s home town and one of the settings for The Echoes of Us, Emma was interviewed by Kristin Pedroja, co-founder of the Edinburgh Women’s Fiction Festival and the Edinburgh Writers’ Forum. Emma spoke about the inspiration for her novel, why setting is so important to her and her journey to publication. 

Attendees included Emma’s editor at Mountain Leopard Press, Beth Wickington and Rebecca Bader, Head of Sales at Headline. We were treated to Emma reading of an extract from the novel whilst enjoying drinks, The Echoes of Us cakes and of course, jelly beans - when you read the novel, you’ll understand the jellybeans! 

Emma was kept busy signing books provided by The Edinburgh Bookshop who came well-stocked with the beautiful hardbacks and quickly sold out.

You can order a copy of The Echoes of Us here.

June 17, 2024
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